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A Tiny Lifetime “Before”

Notes I never posted from 3/6/2020 (“Before”): It’s hard to turn the page at the end of a beautiful chapter. Abby left Buenos Aires today.

Happy Birthday, Dad

“No matter who they are or where they come from, you have something to learn from everyone you meet.” This is one of my two

It Was Too Good to Be True

Part 1 of 2. Check back for the rest of the story! Our first date could not have gone any better. He was attractive, bold,

Notes from Quarantine: Unraveling

Journals from the boat – 3/23/2020 It started as a dropped stitch In the future I was creating. Plans for events and classes and friends,

The Hurt Still Hurts; I Knew It Well

I wasn’t enthused about the prospect of senior prom. My love interest at the time lived 1,728 miles away and certainly would not be making

Mini Love Stories: Hindsight Is 20/20

A Collection of Mini Love Stories on Hindsight in Dating Today I’m sharing three mini love stories involving a change in perspective after the fact.

Thank You for the Gift

Dear Andrés,   Thank you for the gift that was Letting me break up with you.   I know we were both ready For it

I Turned a Blind Eye

I turned a blind eye to the heavy drinking, the daily marijuana use, the bottles of Vyvanse and Viagra that were empty but not yet

I Felt a Little Broken That Night

The day after I said “I love you” to Jason for the first time, we frolicked around San Francisco, walking the hilly streets and stopping

shapes shifting so his family would like me

I Wanted His Family to Like Me for Me

This post is the fifth in a series. (Please read posts here, here, here and here if you haven’t yet!) We were making dinner together while sipping

drink shared between platonic friends

I Hope You Found Romance Elsewhere

We met through Meetup—a Spanish-speaking group, to be specific. I took a few deep breaths before walking into the bar that night, preparing myself for

the man who got me thinking: will I ever be the bride?

Will I Ever Be the Bride?

This post is the second in a series. Please read the essay here first (with a new illustration), if you haven’t yet! 🙂 I was

illustration of a man and woman in a healthy relationship scuba-diving

I Convinced Him to Be My Partner

This post is the fourth in a series. (Please read the posts here and here and here first, if you haven’t yet!) When you first

illustration of my perfect first date

It Was the Perfect First Date

It was the perfect first date. Well, aside from the physical assault we witnessed. And the police intervention. But I’m getting ahead of myself. The

The Magic of a 3-Year-Old

The tiny child sat before me, and my body was folded over the low table so that we met at eye level. In front of

Shortcomings: Adam

“I want him to be confident—like, really confident. And funny; I’m attracted to people who are quick-witted. And social—extraverted. Not awkward. Oh, and I’m into

Devout: Mark

On our first date, I admitted to Mark that I was writing about dating. “Sometimes the only thing I get out of dates is some

Sisterhood: Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn and I became friends when we were four years old, new to Country Kids’ Preschool, and playing in Teacher Sharon’s make-believe kitchen together for

Humanity: Andrés

This post is the second in a series. (Please read this post first, if you haven’t yet!) Also note: the photo is from a different,

Tomorrow, I Turn 30.

Tomorrow, I turn 30. It’s a new decade, full of possibility and hope and uncertainty. For the last five years, I thought my anxiety around

Energy: John

The knock on my door came late that Thursday evening and I opened it with a smirk on my face. Standing on the doorstep were

Brief: Luis

It was the summer of 2017, and I found myself in Panama, eager to practice Spanish and learn to scuba dive. I spent my first

Proclamation: Pete

Sasha, Ben, and I were at Finn’s on a Thursday for our weekly dose of karaoke and booze. We were sipping Dirty Shirleys in a

Overstimulated: Riley

I was frantically searching for a parking spot when Riley texted me, letting me know he had made it to his suggested destination: Mockingbird, a

Excuse: Mitchell

We met through a mutual friend. You were an artist. Unconventional. Gregarious—not reclusive. You were the type to make anyone fall in love. We were

Mini Love Stories: Bad Dates

A Collection of Mini Love Stories Involving Bad Dates Today I’m sharing three mini love stories about bad dates. Strange Impressions You were a tall

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