On Bearing My Bare Face to the World

Why does it feel like an act of courage?

To bear my bare face to the



I stand at the mirror,

Painting a picture:

Pink circles and black lines

Across a blank ivory canvas.


I paint until my reflection is me,

But not.

Me, but



For whom?

For what?


Do I seek attention?

“Call me pretty, please.”

I hear the begging, at times:

The human heart,

Desperate for validation.


Or perhaps, sometimes,

I seek concealment?

No, I’m not tired.

No, I’m not sick.

No, I’m not sad.


Sometimes, is it artful expression?

Dramatic curves and curls,

Shadows and highlights,

Glossy, matte, or lustre.


Or maybe it’s self-care:

Time for just me,

To care for myself, my face—

A routine.


How do I know

What underlies my decision

At the start of each day?


What if I don’t know until the day’s end?

When I wipe away the paint,

The layers,

And go inward.


Or what if, sometimes, I can’t ever know?

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